Senior Project Manager, Neil Coles.

The Dragon Café was Mental Fight Club’s original project, and recently celebrated its 10th anniversary.

This creative endeavour, provides a unique, relaxing and creative space, open to all every Monday. The Dragon Café is an innovative provider of creative and social support for current, past and on-going mental ill health, offering a wide range of creative and wellbeing activities - all of which are free and open to everyone. 

The Dragon Café operates both online and in various physical spaces. We no longer operate out of St George the Martyr Church in Borough so make sure to check our whats on page to see where we are popping up next!

The Dragon Café runs a variety of creative gatherings. Here’s a little taster of a few: Singing, Dancing, Poetry, Creative Writing, Theatre, Painting, Drawing, Puppetry, Shareworks, Film Screenings and Mindfulness. The Dragon Café is also a space to meet, connect and relax with others.

Come along to one of our events soon and get involved.

Our next Dragon Café events

Monday 20th May

Find out more

My Health Story - Lambeth and Southwark

The stories of Mario, Jacqueline, Lynda and Lindsay - from Lambeth and Southwark. All are living with multiple long term health conditions. Jacqueline is a regular and valued patron of The Dragon Café.