Sound Flows Through Us: a sound fayre

There may be harmony
There may be cacophony
There may be complete quiet

We may be analog
We may be electronic

There may be a solo
There may be many
We may play together
We will be together

None of it will be prescribed. None rehearsed

                                                we won’t know, until you come along

On Saturday 13th July we took part in the Waterloo Festival 2024.

‘Sound Flows Through Us’ was an improvised evening where instrumentalists came to improvise. It wasan evening where those of us who do not play an instrument of our own let sound flow through us. A time to explore different ways of experiencing instruments, not from a distance on a far removed stage but by speaking to instrumentalists, seeing them practise up-close.


Not a Point, a Spectrum


Letting Go: Kites. Sound. Animation.